Monday, March 1, 2010

Walking theWalk

So today will be three full days on plan for me. In a row! I want this so bad and as difficult as it is I won't ever stop trying. I will wake up every morning, regardless of thr outcome of the day before, and try again. I will get this. I have done it before and every other time it took a while to get into the groove of it. Last year It was well into March before I started to realy do it right and see some results. I'll get there this year to. I just have to believe that I'll get it done.

Last night I got the Dh some McD's and I got Subway. Yay for me! And it was good and I was satisfied. I have to get it on some other level, that food that is bad for me always makes me feel bad. Healthy food makes me feel good. I get it logicaly but it's like I don't get it emotionaly...doesn't make sense. So much of this doesn't make sense. Like why I am the way I am and when it started and why. I wasn't always this way. I don't want to stay this way. And I won't.


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