Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Binge free day 3

Last night was the third night in a row with no snacks and no over eating. 3 Days is usualy the most days I can run together without fail. But I won't ever stop trying. i have no intentions of letting this beat me.

The weather is starting to be nice enough to walk outsid and that helps alot. I tend to need the sun. I get in a funk in the winter. I think lack of vitamine D makes mne more depressed and more likely to munch. So I am trying to get outside as much as possible. Spring is so close and I love the spring and summer so much. Me and winter are not the greatest friends. I mean I looove fall and Christmas is great but after Dec 31. I just want it to be over. I should move somewhere warmer. Nova Scotia gets a pretty big dose of winter every year lol.

I have been kind of hateing on my body the last few days. I look at it and think even when i lose all the weight i will have so much loose skin. I already have lots. My belly...well it brings me to tears sometimes. I wish I had the money to get plastic surgery when I am done.

On the up side of life...i am planning a new tattoo for Friday. i want to add on to the one on my arm and make it a 1/4 sleve. So excited and nervous. I tend to have tremendous guilt when I try to do something for myself. Like I feel I do not deserve to spend money on myself. go figure. I'll post pics of the new art after it's done.


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