Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 11...or is it?

Today would be day 11 on plan. But last night I had, like 10 chips at work. I hadn't eaten enough before going to work and I was starving. The only thing in the whole building was junk and my coworker happened to have chips on the go. She offered and I said ok but only 1 to cut the tummy termoil. Well I had like 10. I think that counts as a slip. BUT, I was spot on the rest of the day and when I got off instead of the turkey sub i was going to have for my supper I had a veggie mini sub. I still feel guilty tho.

Moving on. I got my tattoo last Friday. 5 hours in Brian's chair and we couldn't finish it. He's great an would have kept going if I realy wanted him to but after about hour4 the adrenaline wore off and it was starting to hurt. Now I'm playing waiting game for it to heal enough that I can go back and get it finished. It's almost perfect except for a couple spots that sre extra sore for some reason. Pics to follow when it is done.

I am down to 228lbs as of 2 days ago. I am stocked about that because that brings me back to 50lbs lost. 5 more lbs and I will be where I was this summer. And then beyond. I can already tell a difference in the way my fat hangs on me. i know that sound apealing right lol. But you loose the fat attatched to the muscle first so things start to hang more when you are loosing. I think that's what I was told ne way. It seems to make sense tho. Last night when I was getting ready for work I had to go down a notch on my belt. I know it's only been like 6 lbs in 2 weeks but I think I was realy bloated from all the junkey salty food i was eating.

I have been feeling so good lately that I sometimes forget that I have the weight on me. Like I feel lke a thin person again. I always try to workout for the body I want not the one I have. But the other day i walked by the mirror and it was like "of ya...i'm still fat...crap!" It makes me kind of impatient.

August's and Chase's birthdays are next week. It's Auggie's then Easter then Chase's. Auggie wants a pogo stick (oh lord) and Chase wants a skateboard. This should be an interesting summer. A little worried about making or getting their cakes. I usualy make their cakes cuz I decorate cakes kind of as a hobby. But I am kind of intimidated by cake at the moment. Not sure how I will get throught that one but the time will come.

Off to run a thousand errands before work at 1.


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