Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Storm has Lifted

I was so very sick the last 2 weeks. And to add to that I was working like 50hrs a week between my 2 jobs. It was like a perfact storm for failure for me. But the storm has lifted and I had an awesome day of sledding and hiking with the kids and my hubby's family. And today i kicked my own ass @ my workout. It felt amazing. Hopefuly I didn't overdo it too soon after being so sick.

I kept thinking today that I woas so unhappy that I hadn't finished this weightloss thing last year like I had intended. I mean 50lbs is nothing to stick your nose up at but... I don't want to think another year from now that I wish I had finished it a year ago. I don't want this weight to follow me for one more year. i want this summer to be my first one under 200lbs in 10 years.

I'm so sick of regrets. I applied to back to school to. I mean noone wants to work at a crappy min wage part time job their whole life. I'm 28 I should have a career now. Not a job. We'll i worked so hard i am nausious and tyling is not helping so off to the showers.♥


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